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Blaze Affiliate Program
Blaze Affiliate Program

Learn how to make money by referring people to Blaze.

Written by Vincent Vicente
Updated over a week ago

Program Overview

The Blaze affiliate program is a best-in-class program that rewards affiliates with 50% of revenue for the lifetime of the customer.

There is no cap or limit on how much you can earn. The more you share Blaze, the more you are rewarded.

How to Sign Up

Sign up for the Blaze affiliate program with this link:

Once signed up, you will receive a personalized affiliate link to track all the traffic and customers you send to Blaze.

You can create multiple links and see your stats in your dashboard by signing in to FirstPromoter.

What qualifies as a successful conversion?

New workspaces that sign up for a Creator, Team, or Enterprise plan within 60 days (the cookie life) of clicking your affiliate link will be eligible for the affiliate commission.

Commissions are paid on a last-click basis, so your link must be the last touch point before the user signed up.

How do I get paid?

Blaze's affiliate program pays on a Monthly/Net-30 program, so this month's commissions will be paid next month on the 30th.

All payments are made through PayPal. You must generate commissions of over $50 to be paid.

How to promote your affiliate link

Here are fourteen ways you can convert your audience with your Blaze affiliate link and maximize your earnings:

  1. Review Posts and Videos - Write a review of Blaze and publish it on your website or blog. Even better, record a video to share your thoughts and opinions on Blaze and publish it on Youtube.

  2. Software Comparisons - Create comparison posts that highlight Blaze’s benefits over other platforms like ChatGPT, Jasper, or to help customers make informed decisions.

  3. Top Tools Page - Add Blaze to a top tools page on your website to recommend it as a resource to your audience.

  4. Resource Guide or Lead Magnet - Develop a resource guide or lead magnet that features Blaze as a top tool, driving both email subscribers and affiliate sign-ups.

  5. Giveaways - Offer giveaway bonuses or "bribes" to incentivize sign-ups through your Blaze partner link.

  6. Tutorials - Create tutorials to show users how to get started with Blaze, demonstrating its ease of use and functionality.

  7. SEO Keyword Targeting - Target SEO keywords in your blog content to capture search traffic interested in marketing AI platforms like Blaze.

  8. Newsletter Placements - Mention Blaze in your email newsletters, providing a personal recommendation and partner link.

  9. Promote on Social Media - Promote your Blaze partner link on social media platforms like X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

  10. Free or Paid Courses - Integrate your Blaze partner link into free or paid courses, recommending it as a tool for students.

  11. Paid Media - Use paid media campaigns on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook to drive traffic to your Blaze partner link. Note: Google/Search ads using Blaze's name, brand, & likeness are not allowed and will get your affiliate membership cancelled and any commissions forfeited.

  12. Webinar - Host webinars on marketing with AI or related topics and include Blaze as a recommended tool.

  13. Guest Blog Posts - Write guest blog posts on other sites and include your Blaze partner link to leverage their traffic.

  14. Host a Challenge - Host a challenge, such as publishing on social media everyday for 30 days using AI, and include your Blaze partner link to engage and convert participants.

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