Watch a video on using text effects in Blaze Designer below:
Whats in the Text tool?
The Text tool allows you to create:
Generic Text
Branded Text
Predefined Styles
Browsing Text Types
Locate and select the Text tool at the top of the screen.
The Add Text sidebar will pop out containing all of the categories of text that you can add to your canvas.
Creating Text
Simply locate the kind of text you want to create and click it to add a text box to your canvas.
You can add multiple text layers to the canvas.
Editing and Adjusting Your Text
When text boxes are added to the canvas, you can edit the text by double clicking on the text box. Type the text you want, then click off of the text box to confirm your changes.
Text boxes can be moved, resized, and rotated.
Moving Text - Click and drag text to move it around on the canvas.
Resizing Text - Use the handles located at the corners and center of the bounding box to resize your text.
Rotating Text - Click and hold the rotation icon located at the bottom of the Text box to adjust its rotation.
When you select a Text box on your canvas a handful of options will appear above the text itself as well as in the sidebar.
Additional options are located inside of the ellipsis.
Exploring and Experimenting with Options
You can experiment with options located in the sidebar to adjust the appearance of text on your canvas. Adjustments in the sidebar will only apply to the current text box you have selected.
You can adjust the following properties of all text layers:
Font Size
Font Weight
Text Alignment
Font Styles
Predefined Styles
The color of the background in each of the text styles is only shown in the Style pane for inspiration. It is not added to your canvas. When you add a predefined style to your canvas, the style text, font, color, shadows, and border parameters will be added to your canvas.
Undo and Redo
If you make a mistake while working on your design, you can use the undo and redo buttons inside of Blaze Designer to undo or redo changes.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts
Windows Users - Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo
MacOS Users - Cmd + Z to undo and Cmd + Shift + Z to redo
Accessing the Layer Stack
Regardless of what side panel you are in, clicking the back arrow will reveal the layer stack.
Adjusting Layers
Layers at the top of the stack will appear in front of other elements in your design.
Layers at the bottom of the stack will appear behind elements (or in back).
Clicking and dragging layers in the layer stack will change how layers appear in your design.
In the animation below, the circle appears behind the square. When the circle layer is dragged to the top of the layer stack it appears in front of the square.