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Learn how to tag and manage content in Blaze with Properties.

Written by Vincent Vicente
Updated over 7 months ago

System properties

By default, Blaze includes a few essential properties on all your documents. These include:

  • Owner: The owner of the document. By default, this will be the document creator.

  • Created: Date and time when the document was created.

  • Updated: Date and time when the document was last edited.

  • Word Count: Total count of words in the document

  • Status: Current status of the document.

You can view these properties in the right sidebar of any document you have Edit or Comment access to.

Property Types

Properties can be configured at the Project level (for individual projects/processes), or at the Workspace level (for standardizing across all docs in your organization).

Blaze provides 9 different types of properties, so you can configure custom properties for your specific project needs:

  • Text: A basic text field for descriptions, notes, and additional comments.

  • Single Select: Dropdown list of customizable options where only one value can be set at a time.

  • Multi Select: Dropdown list of customizable options where multiple values can be selected at once.

  • Date: A calendar date with a customizable display format.

  • Document: A Blaze document.

  • Person: Mention or assign a user in your workspace. You can configure whether or not you would like users to receive a notification when mentioned.

  • Checkbox: Simple checkbox that can be checked or unchecked.

  • Number: Numerical values with configurable formats.

  • Link: A hyperlink field.

Project properties

Project properties only apply to the documents within a given project. With project properties, you can add flexible data fields for specific projects or areas of work.

Creating project properties

  1. Navigate to the project you would like to add a property to and change the view to Table

  2. Click the three dots (•••) and select Properties.

  3. From here you can see which properties are visible and hidden. To create a new property, select + Add a property.

    Select a specific property type and set a name for your property.

Managing project properties

You can update, delete, and add properties from the Properties menu. Property names, types, and potential values can all be updated after the property has been created.

To update or delete your project properties:

  1. Navigate to the project you would like to add a property to.

  2. Select the three dots (•••) and select Properties from the menu.

  3. Click the property you would like to update.

  4. From here, you can adjust the name, property type, and the values for that property.

Workspace properties

Workspace properties are custom properties applied to every document created in your workspace. Workspace-wide properties are useful for tracking team ownership, company-wide initiatives, and customizing your workspace to your organization's way of working.

Adding and managing your workspace properties

Note: Only admins of a workspace are able to update the workspace properties.

To create or edit workspace properties as an admin:

  1. Navigate to Settings from the left navigation and select Properties

  2. Click New and select the desired type of property, add a name, and configure any default values for the property if applicable.

    Optional: to display this property in the right sidebar of every new document, check Show by default box.

Edit or delete a workspace property

  1. Click the property you would like to delete.

  2. Customize the property and its default values from this view.

  3. Select Delete in the bottom left to permanently delete the property.

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