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Learn how to organize, manage, and view your files in Blaze.

Written by Vincent Vicente
Updated over 7 months ago

Projects are homes for your documents within your workspace, allowing you to transform a simple list of files into flexible project and process management spaces.

Layout types

Blaze provides four layout types which can be combined with sorting and filtering to create a curated view of your folder content.

  • Calendar - Monthly or weekly calendar view with unplanned documents on the side.

  • Table - High-level view of your documents and their individual properties.

  • Grid - Visual layout with previews of the document's contents.

  • List - Minimalist view focused on your document names.


The calendar view allows you to plan out your content in a visual way and use your project as a marketing calendar.

Documents that don't have a planned date and time are shown on the sidebar, and can be dragged-and-dropped onto any day of the calendar.

Clicking on any document will open the document in "peek"view where you can see and scroll inside of the document on the sidebar along with seeing the properties and any tasks on the document.

You can change the default action of viewing the document in full or the side peek by clicking on the button below the X.


Table layout displays Blaze documents or uploaded files in rows and each column displays a property associated with the documents.

The Table layout allows you to:

  • Select multiple documents to move, delete, or make a copy.

  • Sort, filter, or group files by properties.

  • Edit properties by clicking into each cell.

The standard Blaze table view displays Post Date & Time, Channel, Campaign and Post Status properties.

You can add more properties to your view by scrolling all the way to the right and clicking the + icon or by clicking on the three dots (•••), select Properties, and show/hide which properties you want to see.

View this help center article to learn more about Properties.


List layout is a simple view of your project's content, displaying the document names and a few key properties associated with each.


Grid layout is a more visual way of looking at your documents and files that lets you see a preview.

Project Permissions

Sharing projects is an essential part of your experience collaborating in Blaze.

Blaze allows you to share projects with specific members of your Workspace, individual Guests, or publicly (with or without password protections).

By default, projects are private to you until you grant access to other users.

Inherited access

Users can access documents or files created within Projects they have access to with Inherited access.

When a user has inherited access to a document or file, you will see a notification in the Share view. To adjust this access, remove the user's access to the parent project and include them only on the specific documents or files you would like them to have access to.

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