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Share for Review

Learn how to share and collect thoughts from your team in a structured way.

Written by Vincent Vicente
Updated over 7 months ago

What are Reviews?

Blaze Reviews allow you to request informal or formal feedback from a set of users with a specific due date, directly on any Blaze doc or uploaded file.

Reviews help ensure transparent collaboration; share any required context with your collaborators, centralize your team's feedback in one place (no more cross-posting in Slack or email messages), and access analytics on who is completing review requests.

Share for Review

Reviews in Blaze provide a way to structure feedback from multiple collaborators on your documents. Designate specific users or groups to review your work, and set a due date to receive feedback by. Blaze will notify each individual on the Review, and send automated reminders leading up to the due date.

Feedback from each collaborator will be grouped by each review round, so you can keep track of how a doc came to be across different iterations. Blaze generates insights on every Review, so you can quickly assess who has opened your doc, who has completed their review, and how many outstanding comments need to be addressed.

Reviewers can leave overall feedback, approve, or send the doc back for changes. They may also skip responding to the review.

A Review request ends when either all Reviewers have submitted their feedback or approval, or when the due date is reached.

Approval Requests

Approval requests function the same as Reviews, with two main differences:

  • The Approver(s) must respond; the request will not end until either all Approvers approve the document, or a user manually ends the Approval.

  • The Approver(s) can only Approve the doc or Request changes. They do not have the option to skip responding or leave overall feedback without explicit approval like designated Reviewers on a doc.

How to share a doc for review

  1. From the document's sidebar, click on Share for Review.

  2. For every request, the following configurations are available:

  • Reviewers - users you would like to gather input from.

  • Approvers - users you would like explicit sign off from.

  • Viewers - users you would like to keep informed about the request's status.

  • Due date - when the recipients must provide their feedback by. Blaze will send automated reminders to recipients to submit their feedback by this date.

  • Message - an optional field to provide additional context on the request.

Once you click Send Request, an email notification will be sent to the recipients and a task will appear in the Tasks page of their workspace.


When should I use Viewers on a Review request vs. requesting a Read Receipt?

are useful for ensuring a group of people read your documents, important knowledge, announcements, and policies. Typically, Read Receipt requests are sent once a doc, folder, or handbook has been finalized.

Designating users as Viewers on a Review helps keep your teammates and stakeholders informed about the status of an in-progress document when their direct input is not required.

To add a Viewer to your Review request, click +Viewer​ under the Reviewers input bar. A secondary input bar will appear below where you can type in the name of any user. A user may not be in more than one category for a Review at the same time.

Viewers can only view the status of a Review and cannot formally approve or request changes on a Review.

Responding to a Review

When responding to a Review request, you will see 4 options for finishing your review:

  • Feedback - submit your thoughts without explicit approval,

  • Approve - approve the document content overall.

  • Send back​ - request the author do another round of edits.

  • Skip - ignore this request.

Sending back a Review

When completing a Review in Blaze, you may want your colleague to make further changes, reply to comments, or complete tasks. You can "Send Back" the review to inform the requester that further changes are required.

When you send back a review, you can select a due date for the requester to respond to your feedback to ensure they meet your timeline.

After completing their revisions, the requester can request a new Review (with a new due date). These updated statuses also appear in the Reviews Tab, so you can manage your tasks and keep track of deadlines in one place.

Managing a review

Review Insights

After you have requested a Review, Blaze generates a summary of the feedback you've received. Easily reference which collaborators have completed their review, how many comments and tasks were submitted, and any overall feedback messages left on the doc.

To access your Review Summary, click on the Review info bar at the top of your document.


The start and end of each Review will appear in the doc's Activity Feed within the History View.

Major review actions by your collaborators, such as completed reviews and overall comments, are also displayed in the feed.

Updating and Ending a Review

Use the Review insights modal to update a Review's due date or end a Review early.

To edit or end an ongoing Review:

  1. Click on the Review info bar at the top of your document.

  2. Select the Due Date dropdown in the top left of the Review modal.

  3. Use the calendar picker to select a new due date.

  4. Or, select End Review in the top right of the modal to end the review early.

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